Monday, March 14, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I would like to thank two beautiful bloggers who gave me the Stylish Blogger award last week. Thank you Clavs of Clavs Up Close and Sleppery of The Sleppery Mind, I really appreciate the award and it really overwhelming to receive such award from you ladies! :) 

Now here are the rules:
 1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded this to you.
 2. Share 7 things about yourself.
 3. Award 15 blogs you have recently discovered.
 4. Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award. that's it!

I did a 7 facts award sometime last month and since the mechanics of this award is similar to that one, I will be reposting my 7 facts. Enjoy! 
1.  I'm obsessed with body piercings and I badly want a tongue ring but I can't my mom would kill me so I ended up having 4 piercings in my right ear and 3 in my left ear. 
2. You can call me big foot - my shoe size is 9...eeekkkk!
3. I'm a huge Bleach and Naruto fan.
4. I can't leave home without fixing and redefining my brows. =)
5. I always bring a small bag full of rubberband (hair rubberbands) wherever I go.
6. I'm a cheesecake and egg pie addict.
7. Listening to good old hard rock songs makes me relax.

Now ladies don't you think 15 is enough to tag other stylish bloggers?  I don't think so...there are a lot of fellow bloggers who deserves this award so 15 is not here's what I'm gonna do...I'm tagging all of you...yes YOU my loyal readers because you deserve this award more than I do!

Have a cheerful and fun Monday =)

Sweet Day to you All!
Pink Chinadoll


  1. Yay, thanks! I'll be posting this together with the 7 facts you tag me. wohoooo!

  2. Congratulations on the award!:D

    I can relate with #4!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  3. Congratulations on the award!:D

    I can relate with #4!:D

    ***** Marie *****


PinkChinadoll's bookshelf: read

Up to Me
The Secret of Ella and Micha
The Marriage Mistake
The Marriage Trap
Fallen Too Far
Unlikely Allies
Ride with Me
Graffiti Moon
Teach Me
Graffiti Moon
Love's Rhythm
The Edge of Never
My Life Next Door
The Marriage Bargain
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
Losing It

PinkChinadoll's favorite books »