Kindness packs an adequate sack lunch, but Love puts a note of encouragement inside.
Kindness provides a television set or computer as a learning aid, but Love controls the remote control and cares enough to insists a child "sign off."
Kindness sends a child to bed on time, but Love tucks the covers around a child's neck and provides a goodnight hug and kiss.
Kindness cooks a meal, but Love selects the "your favorite foods" menu and lights the candles.
Kindness writes a thank you note, but Love thinks to include a joke or photograph or bookmark inside the envelope.
Kindness keeps a clean and tidy house, but Love adds a bouquet of fresh flowers.
Kindness pours a glass of milk, but Love occasionally adds a little chocolate sauce.
Kindness is doing what is decent, basic, courteous, and necessary for an even, smooth, and gentle flow of life.
Love is taking extra step to make life truly exciting, creative, and meaningful! Love is what makes thing special!
***The teacher asked the pupils to tell the meaning of Lovingkindness. A little boy jumped up and said, "Well, if I was hungry and someone gave me a piece of bread that would be kindness. But if they put a little jelly on it, that would be Loving Kindness."
Bless the Lord, O my soul...who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things.
--Psalms 103:1,4,5
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