Hello! Hello! Hello! Pink Princess is here once again ~ back by popular demand. I know most of you missed me (well, you better or else….)And I missed you too...so here I am. It’s been a while since I last updated, its been a month. In my previous entry I left a comment stating that I am on leave from the blogosphere, the truth is I was just too lazy to make an entry. In addition to that, I was sick for 4 days, I lost my golden voice…so if ever you here me sing and it sucked big time—don’t blame me..blame it all on the irate callers that I have to talk to everyday. Then, a week after that I have to see another doctor because I just discovered something (sorry I can’t tell you the details) and she even want to refer me to a surgeon – which actually scared the hell out me. But before she would do that she have set a schedule for another follow up. So last Tuesday, me and my mom went to the hospital for another check up….and it felt like a judgement day waiting for the verdict if its time to see a surgeon or not. And while we were waiting for the doctor to arrive, I can feel that my mom is more nervous than me, I can see it in her eyes and she was so quiet. Well anyway, the check up went well and the good news is…there’s no need for referral to a surgeon. Thank God ~ answered prayer. It has been a month that I kept on worrying about this, no more sleepless nights, I mean days! hihihi. =) And for those who prayed for me…thank you soooo much! Luv u all!
Hmmm…what else is new….
>>> Got a new hair color…(well it’s still the same shade so di sya masyadong obvious). It’s also newly trimmed, just half inch so again..di sya obvious..lol! But I’m planning to cut it short….miss my old hairdo…but for the meantime..I can’t a friend will kill me if I’ll do it.
>>>I have a new puppy. Her name is Roxie, she’s 4 months old and she’s a rottie. I love saying that over and over again…I don’t know why…I think it’s because it sounds cute. During her first 3 days with us, she was a V-E-R-Y shy pup. I even thought that she’s sick. She would just sit beside you and that’s it. We just stare at each other, wherever I go, she follows me. But now, oh my…she’s super hyper…overactive! And its only been a week, my sis even told me “ Lumabas rin ang tunay na kulay”. I think she’s starting to be a spoiled brat. She loves to step on my foot, and boy she’s only 4 months but she’s heavy. She always jumps at me…so everytime I go out or leave for work, I always make sure that she will not see me…Or else you will have to change your clothes again…..I may need a dog trainer! Anyone who wants to apply? Any interested applicants are welcome just send me your resume! LOL! Here’s my pretty baby Roxie….
>>>One of my favorite funny cousin from Cebu will be coming over for a visit. I hope he can stay with us longer. I missed his funny stories. I think most you know him….and if you’re thinking that it’s Jaycer, well you’re definitely correct! Another supply of danggit and dried pusit! :D
>>>This coming Sunday is MJ’s christening…I’m excited to see him and the parents (narin). Hahaha..Miss you Ann! Don’t worry I’ll keep you posted and I’ll take a lot of pictures as much as possible. Weeeeee! I’m excited, pictorial time once again! But the sad part is, I think I can’t attend the ceremony because it’s around 11:30 am and I can only use the car around 12 noon and I still need to drive my mom home since she cannot attent MJ’s christening coz she’s expecting a visitor on the same day and for sure if my mom will not go my sis wont come too..she’s shy (daw eh)…so I guess its just me and Gless will be late.
>>>I have a new addiction….perfect loaf’s Cream Cheese Pound Cake! It’s my new favorite…yum yum…My Tiny B, you have to try this one..it’s good. Don’t worry it’s not that sweet, your sugar level is safe. J And of course you have to buy me and Ann (since punta kana rin dun and bibili ka isali mo na kmi dalwa).
Things to be thankful for the whole week:
1. Another wonderful day to spend with family and friends.
2. For the last two days no sup calls, even though my member a while ago called me “ dumb B**ch” lol! (Sometimes you just really have to laugh about it…or else it will ruin the rest of you day).
3. Had a bonding time with mommy…got our hair done. :D
4. Roxie
5. For the enormous blessings that God continuously showers to my family, friends and people around us. Good Health.
6. Nice long chat with the New Ira ~ Pretty and Slim Janice Ira Tuazon. (Pari, full name pa yan ha) Talk to you ulit bukas.
Time is up for me and I still need to catch some sleep....before I leave try to watch this video..I'm not sure if all of you is familiar with baby Stewie and his ball shaped head (football) ...I love this kid!
Written by chinad0ll31 Permalink | Blog about this entry
- wushuu cge na nga namiss kita. hehehe of course noh! i check your journal regualarly. teka teka teka, why didnt you mention that you were sick and that you had something serious enough for you to lose sleep over?!
hala. you better tell me the next time you get online.
and thanks, haha slim? ira and slim were never in the same sentence, unless we're talking about a different person. love you for saying that. and for everything else.
muah muah! and yeah, roxie, she's cute and astigin ka talaga. pati aso mo astig. hehee
i hope she doesnt howl at night. bleh. muah!
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