For the past fifty five years, daddy's life revolved around 3 ladies ~ Mommy, Sheela Ann and yours truly. We are the only girls in his life. In everything that he does(like decision making) he always make sure that mommy is always by his side. They always support each other no matter what. He is a very loving and caring father...and a C-O-O-LDaD. I even remember that some of my friends would envy me for having cool and hip dad. We miss him so much! And I know that even if he is already in heaven he is happy watching over us, proud of what we have become. During his final days here on earth, I know and I can feel that he is worried of what might happen if he leaves us. I was worried too. Lossing a parent is one of the biggest fear I ever have. But it is his undying >>LOVE<<what makes us strong. A year has passed, but memories still remain. All of the cherished and wonderful moments with daddy will always remain in my heart. The photo above was taken last November 25. Daddy's first year death anniversary. We had prepared a dinner and invited our close friends and some of the members from our church...These are the people who stood by our side giving us support and comfort that we need. I thank you guys soooo much!
If all of you are wondering how come I named this entry as Brown Butterfly well that is because..throughout the dinner, me, my mom and bhey saw this brown butterfly at the top of our main door. Even until late at night when all of the guest already left, the brown butterfly was still there. I know thats him, watching over us.
Well anyway, I don't have many pictures to share coz I fo actually forgot to re charge my cam...but good thing NiQ~ being a Girl's Scout was bringing her handy dandy cam.We had a mini photoshoot when all of the guest finally left. =) Mommy was also very happy to see her 3 favorite girls ~ Cha, Ann and NiQ she missed them so much. And for those who wasn't able to come, mommy was looking for you.
On that very same day, Arc was acting a bit weird, its not just me who noticed it but my sis as well. hmmm... I wonder what's goin on inside her fragile little mind. (little kc mdyo maliit po other words cute parang si Eric Cartman).
>>>Sheela Ann, NiQ & ArceliSam<<<
With Lovely Nikki
>>Bhey, Me, Ann, Cha & ArceliSam<< (Arc, sensya na tinakpan ka nanaman ni Cha...bad nya noh? hihihi)
With my two bestbuddies=)
Another exciting is that we have just found out that my Cha's Mom and Nikki's mom were actually friends. Here is what happened....When Cha's mom arrived to pick her up, Cha wanted to introduce Nikki as her new friend. Now, when NiQ saw tita, she said that her face very familiar and then she asked where did they lived...and then she told tita her mom's name...Small World! Both of their mom's knew each other. ;) That was pretty exciting.
Me and my precious...after a very long busy day....were sooo tired..kaya ganyan na po itsura namen...this was taken around 1 am already.
The following day was MJ's christening...well technically it was just a reception since last November 12 he already had it right after he was dismissed from the hospital. It was good to see him, healthier and bigger but I think he got tired with all of the guest, coz most of the time during that afternoon, he was sleeping. I even took a picture of him while sleeping..good thing he was very sound asleep.
collyn!! super saya ko that night.. it was wonderful being with you again at your very home sweet home.. feels like home tlga wen im there.. too bad ira and nancy cant come.. namimiss ko noon tayong 4.. hehe.. pero happy naman ako cuz u introduced me to your friendly friends.. ngayon feeling ko friends na rin kmi nila ann, arc at nikki! haha o dba YFC tlga ako! hehe.. pro you're lucky to have them kasi they're super! bait sila grabe wala ako masabi! and i am lucky to have u collyn! at sobrang namiss ko si tita mommy and sheela! si mommy ha.. blooming tlga promise! and c sheela vavavvoom na tlga! sobrang dalaga na! and u sister!! pumayat na!! oh well.. kht ayoko sabhn.. cge na nga.. hehe!
and ... sympre si tito daddy.. tito will always be in our prayers.. He will always be remembered cuz he is a very good man. :)
**pkisabi kay nikki!! bruha sya.. hehe.. magkakilala pla mga mommies nmin sobra! haha.. hay small world tlga! mwah*
waah. im so jealous. i shouldve been there. you had a very hip dad. i remember him being the rocker dad that he is, listening to 101.7 ba yun na puro rock pinapatugtog. sobrang sa kanya ka nagmana! hehe
he will always be in my prayers. he's in good hands now. diba? :)
Hmmnn.. next time I know where to put myself .. behind the lense. . kunan ko na lang kayo ng pictures. good thing walang group pic na kasama ako kundi pagkakamalan nilang BEAUTies and the beastlet... good to see your mom and sis again.. and2 lang ako..
Okay…I started typing this entry with a smile since I am happy that I get to chat with my two crazy buddies ~ Jen and Allen…But I have to tell you right now that this Journal is trying to test my patience! As of this time, I am not a happy camper! The first entry that I have typed got lost…after I clicked gave me another window and said, “Sorry, AOL Journal is not available at this time” which means…my entry got lost! I guess I have to keep a copy of it first in my notepad first before saving it…aarrrgghhh!
Well anyway, it’s already lunchtime and I still need to sleep so I’ll make it a quickie update.
Right now, I need your help. Some of my friends needs your prayers. With my last entry I told you that this coming Sunday will be MJ’s christening. I’m afraid that it will no longer push through since Ann and Pong decided to just move it to a later date. The reason is that Marcus just had his operation yesterday. I have just talked to Ann and she said that right now, the doctors are just observing him since the operation went well. They will be staying at the hospital till Sunday.
On the other hand, my wounded healer’s dad also need your help. Right now, he is suffering from his kidney ailment and is currently undergoing a treatment called “detox” she said that it’s a form of treatment wherein you will soak your feet in a water and then it will remove all your toxins ( haven’t seen it yet so I’m not so sure on how it is done).He is still recuperating but he is getting weaker and weaker.But she said that so for, with this form of healing (through detox), it is effective indeed.
Last from my list…..please include Carol’s mom. I hope she could get to eat more so that she can have a faster recovery. Oh and I still have another one….last among last….Please pray for baby Ashby to help her get well soon and of course please include Lamae’s toe, just ask her if you want to know the details. =) Luv u LaLa!
I know God will hear our prayers. Just like whatmy friend, Wizdumtut,have told me last night. She said, “I know that Great Physician, the Great Healer will extend his healing hands upon the people we are praying for..and our love ones”.
haha, i hate it when that happens. when all your thoughts are written in the exact same sequence as you pictured it in your head, then click the save button, malfunction and it's all gone. lipat na blogger! haha muah!
il include your friends and family in my prayers din. :) power of prayer. really works.
musta mo ako kay lamae. and i hope her baby gets well soon.
Hello! Hello! Hello! Pink Princess is here once again ~ back by popular demand. I know most of you missed me (well, you better or else….)And I missed you here I am. It’s been a while since I last updated, its been a month. In my previous entry I left a comment stating that I am on leave from the blogosphere, the truth is I was just too lazy to make an entry. In addition to that, I was sick for 4 days, I lost my golden voice…so if ever you here me sing and it sucked big time—don’t blame me..blame it all on the irate callers that I have to talk to everyday. Then, a week after that I have to see another doctor because I just discovered something (sorry I can’t tell you the details) and she even want to refer me to a surgeon – which actually scared the hell out me. But before she would do that she have set a schedule for another follow up.So last Tuesday, me and my mom went to the hospital for another check up….and it felt like a judgement day waiting for the verdict if its time to see a surgeon or not. And while we were waiting for the doctor to arrive, I can feel that my mom is more nervous than me, I can see it in her eyes and she was so quiet. Well anyway, the checkup went well and the good news is…there’s no need for referral to a surgeon. Thank God ~ answered prayer. It has been a month that I kept on worrying about this, no more sleepless nights, I mean days! hihihi.=) And for those who prayed for me…thank you soooo much! Luv u all!
Hmmm…what else is new….
>>> Got a new hair color…(well it’s still the same shade so di sya masyadong obvious).It’s also newly trimmed, just half inch so again..di sya! But I’m planning to cut it short….miss my old hairdo…but for the meantime..I can’t a friend will kill me if I’ll do it.
>>>I have a new puppy. Her name is Roxie, she’s 4 months old and she’s a rottie. I love saying that over and over again…I don’t know why…I think it’s because it sounds cute. During her first 3 days with us, she was a V-E-R-Y shy pup. I even thought that she’s sick. She would just sit beside you and that’s it.We just stare at each other, wherever I go, she follows me. But now, oh my…she’s super hyper…overactive!And its only been a week, my sis even told me “ Lumabas rin ang tunay na kulay”. I think she’s starting to be a spoiled brat.She loves to step on my foot, and boy she’s only 4 months but she’s heavy. She always jumps at me…so everytime I go out or leave for work, I always make sure that she will not see me…Or else you will have to change your clothes again…..I may need a dog trainer! Anyone who wants to apply? Any interested applicants are welcome just send me your resume! LOL!Here’s my pretty baby Roxie….
>>>One of my favorite funny cousin from Cebu will be coming over for a visit. I hope he can stay with us longer. I missed his funny stories. I think most you know him….and if you’re thinking that it’s Jaycer, well you’re definitely correct! Another supply of danggit and dried pusit! :D
>>>This coming Sunday is MJ’s christening…I’m excited to see him and the parents (narin). Hahaha..Miss you Ann! Don’t worry I’ll keep you posted and I’ll take a lot of pictures as much as possible. Weeeeee! I’m excited, pictorial time once again!But the sad part is, I think I can’t attend the ceremony because it’s around 11:30 am and I can only use the car around 12 noon and I still need to drive my mom home since she cannot attent MJ’s christening coz she’s expecting a visitor on the same day and for sure if my mom will not go my sis wont come too..she’s shy (daw eh)…so I guess its just me and Gless will be late.
>>>I have a new addiction….perfect loaf’s Cream Cheese Pound Cake! It’s my new favorite…yum yum…My Tiny B, you have to try this’s good. Don’t worry it’s not that sweet, your sugar level is safe. J And of course you have to buy me and Ann (since punta kana rin dun and bibili ka isali mo na kmi dalwa).
Things to be thankful for the whole week:
1. Another wonderful day to spend with family and friends.
2. For the last two days no sup calls, even though my member a while ago called me “ dumb B**ch” lol! (Sometimes you just really have to laugh about it…or else it will ruin the rest of you day).
3. Had a bonding time with mommy…got our hair done. :D
4. Roxie
5. For the enormous blessings that God continuously showers to my family, friends and people around us. Good Health.
6. Nice long chat with the New Ira ~ Pretty and Slim Janice Ira Tuazon. (Pari, full name pa yan ha) Talk to you ulit bukas.
Time is up for me and I still need to catch some sleep....before I leave try to watch this video..I'm not sure if all of you is familiar with baby Stewie and his ball shaped head (football) ...I love this kid!
wushuu cge na nga namiss kita. hehehe of course noh! i check your journal regualarly. teka teka teka, why didnt you mention that you were sick and that you had something serious enough for you to lose sleep over?!
hala. you better tell me the next time you get online.
and thanks, haha slim? ira and slim were never in the same sentence, unless we're talking about a different person. love you for saying that. and for everything else.
muah muah! and yeah, roxie, she's cute and astigin ka talaga. pati aso mo astig. hehee
Wonderful sunny Monday everyone!How was your weekend? Hope you had a blast while I stayed home just sleeping and sleeping well last Saturday I was not feeling well that's why. Hey, I'm not that lazy..just sleeping whole day. Well, there' so much good news to tell. So, let's get it started.
It has been weeks that me and Ann were exchanging text messages as to when will she give birth, we were both excited. And last weekend, Ann had a very weird dream. She dreamt that she already gave birth and it was her baby's christening. Me and Arc were the ninangs and it is kinda funny because the Ninangs were wearing gown..(it was a flower girl's gown!) I can't even imagine myself wearing a little girl's gown! hahaha..I guess that was the sign that the baby is coming.....Last September 25, around 1 in the afternoon, I received a text message from Ann Ganda. Finally, the long wait is over...she gave birth to a wonderful baby boy ~ MJ ~ He weighs 6.16 pounds and just like Ann, he has a curly hair. I was so excited to see her and her precious but it was raining hard that day and it was already late, so when I called her, I just told her that I will be visiting her the following morning. By the way, if all of you are wondering why MJ, well it's not because Ann and Pong were Michael Jackson fanatic. Baby's name is Marcus John (M from Mary Ann and J from John Paul), and it is a very pretty name. But do you know that before they have finally decided to settle for this name, they have a very long list of names to choose from? It's like almost weekly or monthly they have to change the baby's name. From Anthony Lawrence to Tyler and so on....but I like this one better. So the next day, we visited them. The MJ is sooo cute! I even took a few pictures..but he is a very shy baby, every time I press on the button to take a picture, he would always cover his face. I kept on trying over and over, I think I tried taking his pictures almost 6 times but he's really good in covering his face. But I have a successful one, with Ann holding him. Any way, I'll just send you updates on my next visit.
Yesterday, October first was my uncle and cousin's birthday. Yes, father and son have the same birth date, nice isn't it? Well, I greeted both of them. I know most of you know that I'm not really close with them but for the past few weeks, I was a bit surprised that my cousin has been constantly sending me some messages, he even asked me where he could find/look for a job. Well, knowing him, he is not the type of person who would normally contact me if he needs help. From then on, he sends me forwarded text messages, not as in everyday but once in a while..somehow, it is a good thing for me..knowing that he is still concerned with my family.
On the other hand, my uncle was very happy. He thought that I forgot his special day. Of course I was also glad that I was able to cheer him up a bit. But what surprised me most is that...he was asking for forgivenessfor the things that they have done. At first, I didn't know how to respond to that...looking back at the things that have happened last year...still, the heartache remained. The pain and tears we cried...all are still fresh in my memory. I even told myself that no matter what I cannot and will never forgive them. To tell you honestly, this is my current struggle F - O - R - G - I - V - E - N - E - S - S. I have been asking God to give me the strength and soften my heart toforgive those people. And He did answered my prayer, finally I was able to tell my uncle.."yes, I forgive you." It was a wonderful feeling, I felt so light and happy. Another good news is that he already surrendered and offered all to the Lord and he's been going to church once again. I am happy for him....(sana lang it happened earlier pa, like last that he could attend Sunday service with my dad and they could teach those kids how to play drums and guitars. Because both of them are musically inclined. My dad used to teach drums, guitar and bass lessons at the church).
Things to be thankful for today:
1. Another wonderful day to spend with family and friends.
2. Had a wonderful time playing some games with my sis!
3. Finally, my cousin from Visayas was able to find new house helpers. He will be coming with them. Ciempre kasama na short vacation here. He will be visiting his wife din in Manila.
4. Nice chat with NiQ. Her mom just celebrated her birthday last week. NiQ gave me some updates. Glad it went well. And nice to know her mom still remembers me! hahaha! Hey mommy misses you na rin.
By the way, I'm not sure if I already told you that mommy bought me a hula hoop a few months back.... I suck! yes that's true. And just two weeks ago....she bought me skipping rope!And the verdict? I suck Big Time! I used to play this when I was in elementary but I need two person to hold the ends the of the rope. Then I will just jump right there in the middle...but if I have to do it all by myself? Oh, Help me!
How bout you have any idea on what will she buy next?
Why gossip is bad for your soul By Lori Palatnik with Bob Burg *(an excerpt) A nineteenth-century folktale tells about a man who went about town slandering the town's wise man. One day, he went to the wise man's home and asked for forgiveness. The wise man, realizing that this man had not internalized the gravity of his transgressions, told him that he would forgive him on one condition: that he go home, take a feather pillow from his house, cut it up, and scatter the feathers to the wind. After he had done so, he should then return to the wise man's house. Though puzzled by this strange request, the man was happy to be let off with so easy a penance. He quickly cut up the pillow, scattered the feathers, and returned to the house.
"Am I now forgiven?" he asked.
"Just one more thing," the wise man said. "Go now and gather up all the feathers."
"But that's impossible. The wind has already scattered them."
"Precisely," he answered. "And though you may truly wish to correct the evil you have done, it is as impossible to repair the damage done by your words as it is to recover the feathers. Your words are out there in the marketplace, spreading hate, even as we speak."
How interesting it is that we, as human beings, so quick to believe the bad that others say about someone, so accepting of the "news" contained in print and television tabloids, and so ready to assume the worst regarding another's actions, actually allow ourselves to believe that the evil we spread about someone won't really matter. Incredible that we can't seem to immediately and resolutely accept the fact that the gossip we speak can--and often does--significant damage to that person.
Bob's friend, Paul Myers, says, "Gossip is like a fired bullet. Once you hear the sound, you can't take it back."That is what the man in the above story found out in a very disappointing, shameful moment of self-discovery. And it isn't just what we say about someone to others, but what we say to that person directly as well. We've all been told that "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me." We also know that is totally untrue. While a body will typically recover from a physical injury, the harm caused by direct insults can sometimes last a lifetime, and tear the self-esteem right out of a person.
On the other hand, kind, encouraging words can build a person's self-esteem, help him or her to grow and give them the impetus they need to do great, significant things with their lives. The choice regarding how we speak about or to someone is ours. It's called "free will."
Things to be thankful for:
1. Another wonderful day to spend with family and friends.
2. No Sup calls for today.
3. The proposal for 9:30 shift was approved instead of 10 pm (that is before DST starts, but I'm still thankful for it)
4. I was able to arrive at work on time. I almost forgot that I have to report to work an hour earlier..wheeew! Thanks to my sis, she was able to wake me up (yeah...she was shouting at me).
5. I was able to beat Sheela's (my sis) score in Need4Speed! woohoo :) She used to tell me "nakaka awa ka naman...tsk..tsk...tsk..."
6. Long nice chat with my sis at heart NiQ. Miss u dearie.
12/4/06 7:13 PM | Permalink
and ... sympre si tito daddy.. tito will always be in our prayers.. He will always be remembered cuz he is a very good man. :)
**pkisabi kay nikki!! bruha sya.. hehe.. magkakilala pla mga mommies nmin sobra! haha.. hay small world tlga! mwah*