Sono Bello! I hope everyone was doin for me its been a busy week! (well obviously I'm always busy that is why I don't have much time to update and let you know what I've been up to lately...) Eventhough I'm always occupied with something...I'm still having a great time. By the way, I just had my vacation last February 17 to 20. I was with my friends and we went to Boracay! :) It was fun! All fun in the!
I also have some pictures to share...for you to see the beauty of bora and of course...when you speak of beauty..who do you expect? Me and my gorgeous friends..hahahaha! No violent reactions please! This is my blog, I can say whatever I wanna say. Is that right? umm...Yes because Princess Collyn says so..or should I say Master Collyn?
But waiittt....before you get too exicted with our Bora Bora trip....I'll give you some quickie info on what transpired lst month.

But waiittt....before you get too exicted with our Bora Bora trip....I'll give you some quickie info on what transpired lst month.
~January ~ My friend Ann was super exicted because her dear Pong Pagong is back here in the country..he'll be having his one month vacation and he's coming with us on our long awaited Bora Bora. :) I was also excited....He gave me a pasalubong - talking and dancing Spongebob Squarepants! It was nice! I like it very much, I always play with it before I go to bed...I listen to his spatula song before I close my eyes! By the last week of the month, Ann decided to quit..she resigned effected January 31. She said she wants to take a rest. Sad but that's her decision, as long as she's happy I'm always here to support her. Besides we still get to see each other once in a while...she always visits me. :) And she still have to return all those SATC vcds she borrowed me. hahaha!
~The Love Month~ I almost got an heart attack when Ann called me up and told me that she's pregnant! At that time was confused on how to first I didn't believe her's Ann and with all of my friends she's the last person that I can imagine getting preggy..but anyway...I'm also happy for her! She gonna be a mommy soon....we hope its a girl...:) More of the good news.....she also got married February 17. Yes, that's right the day we went to Boracay, they got married before we left Pampanga. whooaaahhhh...a lot things happened in just a couple of months!
~Vacances d'été~
We had and awesome vacation...and 3 days are not enough. It was already evening when we arrived the was soooo nice! We loved the food! all we did was eat...take pictures...stroll at the seashore....some sight seeing...then eat again...and the cycle goes on and on. The food was all good but expensive..we saw a lot of lobster...and speaking of lobster..I do have a friend who is very fond of lobsters..if you'll check her phone, almost all of the images there were! hhaayyyyy.....bora reminds me of Spongebob..but don't get me wrong I didn't see any sponge or starfish but Mr. Eugene Crab's cousins--yes LoBsTeRs! And the's powdery white sand is the best! Oh..I want to go back there...but this time I want to be with my family, any way who knows..maybe when I get to go back to Cebu to visit my relatives we can try to visit bora, besides it's just near Aklan. :) Enjoy the pictures! By the way, those are just some of the pictures...the others..I can't show them to you. Miss you all!

Written by mhicollyn Blog about this entry
This entry has 3 comments: (Add your own)
#3 Comment from mhiarc 4/30/06 7:46 AM Permalink
the entire blogosphere is missing you.. how about an update? naka day off ka ba sa blog world?
#2 Comment from mostcollyn 3/8/06 12:33 PM Permalink
yeah..ur correct but...i can't edit the icon...hehehehe...i posted it there not only for me..but for someone....
#1 Comment from mhiarc 3/6/06 6:43 PM Permalink
It's should be "Wait for the MAN or since you said you are a princess "wait for the Prince who will make you smile "..